*** ----> Punishments upheld for 13 terror convicts | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Punishments upheld for 13 terror convicts

TDT | Manama

The Court of Cassation announced yesterday its decision with regards to the appeal of 13 Bahraini men convicted of forming a terrorist cell. The Court upheld the imprisonment sentences and fines previously issued against the appellants, but dropped the verdict on the revocation of their Bahraini citizenship.

The 13 men were among 24 defendants who stood trial for the charges of forming a terrorist cell, receiving military training in Iraq and Iran, attempted murder of public security officers, and detonating explosives. They received sentences ranging from three to 10 years of imprisonment, in addition to stripping them of their Bahraini nationality.

Court files indicate that four of the convicts are the prime defendants in the case. They formed a terrorist group with the aim of targeting policemen and killing them using Improvised Explosive Devices. Investigations showed that the four men succeeded in expanding the group by persuading the rest of the defendants to join.

It was also shown that the prime defendants facilitated the travel of gang members to Iran and Iraq to receive military training, in order to carry out attacks against police forces here. Some of the defendants were also convicted of storing, transporting and planting explosives.

Additionally, one of the defendants collected more than BD5,000 from his accomplices and invested in a commercial company registered in his father’s name. The defendant allocated five per cent of the company’s monthly profit to spend it on the group and cover its needs and spending.

The group was responsible for several terrorist bombings carried out in different parts of the Kingdom, including planting a roadside bomb on King Hamad Highway near Jau town, where the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre (Central Jail) is located.

The explosion targeted a bus carrying policemen who were returning from the prison.No fatalities were reported. However, seven policemen sustained multiple injuries due to the blast.