*** ----> Capital police arrest four Asian robbery suspects | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Capital police arrest four Asian robbery suspects

TDT| Manama

Four Asians have been arrested for attacking a man and robbing him of BD2,500, the Ministry of Interior has announced. The Ministry said that the arrests were made following cooperation between the Capital Governorate Police and the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science.

The Capital Governorate Police director-general said that the Asians were aged 30, 34, 42 and 43. They committed the crime after agreeing with a friend of the victim to follow and attack him, and then the amount of BD2,500 from him.

An investigation into the case led to identifying the arresting the suspects and the confiscation of the stolen money, said the director general. Legal proceedings are being taken to refer the case to the Public Prosecution, according to the Interior Ministry