*** ----> Bahrain expresses solidarity with Egypt | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain expresses solidarity with Egypt

TDT | Manama

Bahrain, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, has clearly expressed its full solidarity with Egypt. This includes strengthening Egypt’s initiative to achieve security, stability and prosperity in Libya, on its western borders, and to unify the Arab position in combatting extremist terrorist organisations and in rejecting foreign interference in Libyan and Arab affairs.

Bahrain’s attitude is rooted in the belief that Egypt’s security and stability are an integral part of the pan-Arab security and that Cairo’s security is vital. Bahrain and Egypt have come together to resolve the Libyan crisis as stated in the closing statement of the Arab Foreign Ministers Council.

The statement has also affirmed the Arab commitment to the unity and sovereignty of Libya, the integrity and stability of its territories, the well-being of its people and democratic practices in its future. The state and its institutions were called on to resume their role in serving the Libyan people without foreign interference.

The statement also stressed the need for the United Nations and the international community to force all external parties to remove mercenaries and to work towards unifying the military and security institutions in Libya as part of a political solution.

Bahrain sees Egypt as the “pulsating heart and safety valve” of the Arab nation thanks to its great army, moderate policy, commitment to Arab unity, security, peace, development and prosperity in the region.

In acknowledgement of Cairo’s sacrifices in defending the Arabian Gulf and for its humanitarian stances in assisting its development and educational re-emergence since the start of the 20th century, Bahrain will always remain supportive of Egypt.

In appreciation of Egypt’s status in the heart of the Arab and Islamic nation, Bahrain supports their fight against extremism and terrorism. As a reflection of the fraternal, long-standing relations between the two countries, Bahrain’s official and popular media have supported Egypt’s right to defend its borders and protect its national security over the last few days.