Royal message

TDT | Manama

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa delivered an inspirational message of thanks and appreciation yesterday to Bahrain’s people, particularly those in defence and security, as the Kingdom strives to overcome the challenges that have arisen amidst the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

HM the King, the Supreme Commander and Supreme Defence Council president, gave his speech as he chaired the council’s meeting, in the presence of His Royal Highness the Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

“We express our thanks and appreciation to all of you for your distinguished efforts in ensuring the security of the Kingdom and the safety of the citizens and residents, and for doing everything necessary to preserve the course of life and keep the national development process moving forward,” HM the King said as he addressed the council.

HM the King lauded the vital roles of HRH the Prime Minister and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander, and First Deputy Premier. HM the King said that the Kingdom continues to harness all its capabilities in light of the exceptional circumstances of the health crisis, which represents, through its global spread, a continuous challenge that threatens opportunities for comprehensive development, especially socio-economic gains.

“Hence the package of financial and economic policies, decisions and measures that we decreed were called for early, in order to counter its repercussions,” HM the King said. “Team Bahrain, led by HRH the Crown Prince, began to follow up on the implementation of its programmes accurately and effectively, with a view to maintaining levels of economic growth for the benefit of Bahrain and its honorable citizens.

“The state authorities and all institutions have demonstrated their high capacity and readiness to assume responsibility during this difficult stage, and their role has had great effects on work discipline and yielded excellent results.” HM the King praised Bahrain’s defence and security institutions, as well as medical professionals and other front-liners.

“We want to highlight the outstanding and much-appreciated performances of our defence and security institutions, the Bahrain Defence Force, with its distinguished long-standing military, medical and administrative organisation; the Ministry of Interior, with its well-prepared staff on the front rows; and the National Guard and National Security Agency forces, who provide everything necessary to tackle this virus and protect the health, safety and security of citizens and residents, according to the highest standards,” HM the King said.

“On this occasion, we reiterate our gratitude for the endeavors of the medical teams, health professionals and civil crews who have worked with determination and great faith. “They continue to assume their humanitarian responsibilities to protect lives by offering the best services, treatments and preventive measures, which has earned the Kingdom an advanced global status in the fight against this pandemic.”

Meanwhile, HM the King said that Bahrain’s people are a source of immense pride as they have demonstrated high morals and civilised commitment in all circumstances and times. “We refer here to the significant importance of individual and societal responsibility to overcome this pandemic,” HM the King added.

“The sense of responsibility is not something new to Bahrain, as its people are invariably ready to tackle adversity, and thanks to their contributions, we will overcome all odds, God willing.” Following the speech, HRH the Prime Minister addressed HM King Hamad. “Just as Your Majesty kindly said, these are your people who deserve all the health, education, safety and security provided to them,” HRH the Premier said.

“We ask God to grant all of us success in serving you at this important time, in which we must work hard and diligently to carry out the directives of Your Majesty.” Also during the meeting, the council reviewed several topics on its agenda and took the necessary decisions for the benefit and safety of Bahrain, its honorable citizens and all residents.

National Security Advisor and Supreme Defence Council secretary-general HH Major General Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa gave a briefing on issues aimed at raising defence, security and health capabilities.

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