*** ----> RHF summer activities to benefit orphans, widows | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

RHF summer activities to benefit orphans, widows

TDT | Manama

The Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF) has launched its 2020 summer camp. It is being held within the framework of the RHF’s social responsibility for sponsored orphans and widows, and its active contribution in identifying their talents, developing their skills, and building their capabilities in various educational and recreational areas.

The RHF is organising this year’s camp remotely, in line with the precautionary measures against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The RHF has provided all the requirements to ensure the camp’s success, in terms of guaranteeing that the activities are compatible with remote learning and training, providing the necessary infrastructure, and ensuring that children and mothers are proficient in using the relevant electronic communication programmes.

This year’s camp features many programmes and activities for children and youth, and it will last for two months and includes various courses in collaboration with specialised entities. In this context, the RHF started a training course for youth in video filming and editing, designing infographics, advertising photography, and others, in a course that lasts over a month and includes 36 training hours.

The activities of the camp for children started in synchronisation with the youth activities, which are provided by renowned teachers who are experienced in the provision of educational activities and events. It is being implemented in the English language via Google, with the programmes extending for three weeks.

RHF Programmes and Activities Department head Alaa Bodlamah affirmed the RHF’s keenness to enhance the talent and skills of children, satisfy their love for learning, support their skills and creative abilities, and explore their talent with a fun-based approach in the camp.

He pointed to the RHF’s keenness to enrich this year’s camp with many practical, health, and recreational courses and cultural activities to support, develop, and build orphans’ personalities. “This summer camp is not just mere activities to spend free time, but rather useful activities that define the personality of children and reward them with skills and experiences and satisfy their mental and social needs in a sound educational way that contributes to building a positive personality capable of assuming responsibility and effective social participation,” Bodlamah said. The RHF is also keen to direct part of the summer programme towards encouraging sponsored mothers and widows to learn useful skills.

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