*** ----> Meat vendors stay out | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Meat vendors stay out

Stalls in meat markets remained almost empty yesterday as traders declined sell meat because of low demand.

Traders said that they were out of business as customers avoid buying meat due to price hike. Meat prices have doubled after the subsidies were removed in the beginning of this month. Speaking to DT News, a businessman at the market said that the businesses buy the meat from the supplier at BD 2.850 per kilo and sell it for BD 3.3. He said that ustomers do not want to pay anything more than what they used to pay when the government subsidy was in place. He said that some stalls tried selling it a discounted rate of BD3, and that it did not result in any success.

"The customers do not agree with the new prices so they stopped buying meat. This is bad news for us, because in business we need profit for our survival. Salaries need to be paid, rent needs to be paid and we have to bear logistical expenses and various other expenses that come along, the market, Yusuf said.

"The market is empty now as we are not purchasing from our suppliers because we know we cannot sell it. Only few customers walk into the market. But they usually return after inquiring about the price, meat trader Shahnavas. According to him, anly a few stalls have bought meat, and those who have bought the meat are regretting because they are not able to sell them. "We purchased a goat from our suppliers,but we are not able to sell it, now we are worried about it getting spoiled, Mohammed Jaffar.