*** ----> Four teenagers face explosives possession charges | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Four teenagers face explosives possession charges

TDT | Manama

The First High Criminal Court yesterday adjourned the trial of four teenagers accused of possessing explosives to August 24. The four defendants are aged 15 and are accused of possessing Molotov cocktails and hurling them at a public security patrol vehicle in the southwestern parts of the Northern Governorate.

According to court files, the case was first reported to Hamad Town Northern Police Station. The complaint mentioned that at around 8pm on June 4 this year, four individuals approached a police patrol vehicle that was stationed near the entrance of Buri village.

“They hurled Molotov cocktails at the vehicle and quickly fled the scene, without causing any injuries to the on-duty policemen or damaging the vehicle,” an eyewitness mentioned in the report of the case. Investigations led to the defendants, who were interrogated by the Public Prosecution, which accused them of manufacturing inflammable containers (Molotov cocktails) with the intent of using them in a way that risks people’s lives and poses public and private properties to damage.

The prosecutional so charged the quartet with the possession of Molotov cocktails serving the same purpose. The four defendants stood before the judges yesterday, and the case has been adjourned to August 24 to review the defendants’ pleadings.