*** ----> Going green with solar power | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Going green with solar power

TDT | Manama

The Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning is stepping up its plan to use solar energy in the lighting of parks, public beaches, walking tracks and ministry sites. This was confirmed by the ministry’s Municipalities undersecretary Eng Shaikh Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Khalifa.

The undersecretary stated: “The work on using renewable energy in the ministry’s projects comes in line with the sustainable development goals within the UN Development Programme in Arab countries by producing clean energy and sustainable cities.” He indicated that the ministry has intensified work to employ solar energy in all its projects, with the aims of saving energy, reducing the cost of maintenance and operations, and enhancing environmental awareness.

He pointed out that certain municipalities have already begun using renewable energy in parks, beaches and playgrounds, which has provided 15 per cent of the electrical energy consumption, thus facilitating self-reliance in generating electricity for lighting.

He added: “The system is characterised by the ease of maintenance and use of LED lighting, and the operation and shutdown are controlled by the daylight and through pre-set timings without manual intervention. “There are also no cables connecting the lighting columns, which benefits any work and maintenance, and allowing the systems to be unaffected by power outages.

“It is also environmentally friendly.” The undersecretary affirmed that one of the key projects using renewable energy in the Muharraq Governorate is at the waterfront along the coast of Busaiteen, with an area of more than 43,000 square metres and containing a walkway that extends over an area of two kilometres.

Meanwhile, the Galali walkway, which is 700 metres long, is distinguished by its fully solar-powered lighting, he added. The Capital Municipality has also begun to rely on solar energy in Jidali Park, where solar-powered light poles have been installed. The park has an area of 977 square metres, and it features several different components for practising various recreational and sports activities, he explained.

“The Capital Municipality has also installed 20 lighting poles powered by renewable solar energy in Shaikh Salman Square, which has an area of 1,350 square metres,” the undersecretary said. “Solar energy has also been implemented along Ma’ameer Coast.”

He pointed out that Southern Area Municipality has begun utilising solar energy in a number of sites, such as Noon Park where eight lighting poles and various solar panels have been installed. Solar-powered lighting poles can also be found in Bukowara Park, while a number of solar-powered lighting poles were installed in Isa Town. The undersecretary stressed that the strategy of using renewable solar energy is being followed in all the governorates across the Kingdom, each of which works with an independent operating system