*** ----> Health sector boost | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Health sector boost

TDT | Manama

The Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa Award for Bahraini Doctors will reflect positively on the health sector, not only in Bahrain but also at the regional level, members of the committee selected to choose the award’s winners said.

The members highlighted the award’s noble values, given its role in improving the healthcare field, being the cornerstone of human development, and the basis of humanitarian activities, particularly in light of the tremendous efforts exerted by medical personnel in facing the coronavirus (COVID-19).

In this regard, Germany’s Leipzig Heart Centre Cardiology and Electrophysiology assistant professor Dr Sotirios Nedios said that he was extremely happy to join the award’s jury. He stressed that the appreciation of outstanding medical staff is a noble goal, and noted that HRH the Prime Minister’s efforts to encourage scientific research, innovation, community service, and development are widely appreciated and have a far-reaching positive impact on the medical field.

World Health Organisation (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region director Dr Ahmed bin Salem Al Mandhari expressed his confidence that the award will contribute positively to improving the level of health services in Bahrain and even the wider Middle East.

WHO Antimicrobial Resistance assistant director-general Dr Hanan Balkhy confirmed that the award was launched at a time Bahraini medical staff deserved honouring for their distinguished efforts in the field of health care. “I am confident that the award will have a positive impact on improving health services, not only in the Kingdom but also at the level of the entire region,” she said.

HRH the Prime Minister’s Court issued an edict, stipulating the formation of a committee to select the winners, under the chairmanship of Health Minister Faeqa bint Said Al Saleh. The committee shall supervise the procedures for granting the award, verify that the nomination conditions and criteria for the award are met, review the nomination files, research papers, evaluate the assessment criteria and other documents submitted by each candidate, select the names of award winners, and submit its final decisions to the award board to announce them.

It shall also propose the development of the necessary scientific and technical criteria for the nomination, evaluation, and award procedures, in coordination with the award board. The jury comprises a number of prominent international experts in the field of medical research from the WHO and European and American universities as members.

They are Dr Al Mandhari (Oman), Dr Hanan (Saudi Arabia), Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland chief executive and registrar Professor Cathal Kelly (Ireland), Professor Dame Parveen Kumar (UK), Professor Kenneth Christopher (US), Professor David Gordon (UK), and Professor Nedios (German/Greek).

It also includes officials from HRH the Premier’s Court, Bahrain Medical Society president Dr Ghada Al Qassim and Arabian Gulf University president Dr Khalid Abdul Rahman Al Ohaly. HRH the Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa earlier this year issued directives to celebrate Bahraini Doctors’ Day on the first Wednesday of November each year, and launch a $200,000-worth award carrying his name to honour outstanding Bahraini doctors in the medical, clinical and treatment research. The award shall be granted in two categories: the Innovation and Creative Award in Therapeutic, Clinical and Medical Research, and the Extended Loyalty and Giving Award.