*** ----> Arab Parliament slams Iran's interference in Bahrain's affairs | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arab Parliament slams Iran's interference in Bahrain's affairs

The Arab Parliament has strongly denounced Iran’s repeated attempts to interfere in the Kingdom of Bahrain’s in a bid to undermine its security and stability.
The Arab Parliament affirmed the kingdom’s inalienable and legitimate right to confront Iran’s attempts through legal and political framework in order to maintain its deep-rooted social fabric and peaceful co-existence and safeguard its sovereignty and national security.

In the communiqué issued following the first session of the fourth legislative term, concluded here today, the Arab Parliament affirmed UAE’s peaceful approach, and called on Iran to join the dialogue table to resolve the issue of the three Iran-occupied UAE islands or refer the matter to the International Court of Justice.

On Yemen, AP reiterated support to legitimacy, represented by President Hadi, and called for the resumption of dialogue on the bases of the GCC Initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue and the UN Security Council Resolution 2216.

On Syria, AP expressed concern over the on-going bloodshed there, and strongly condemned the terror crimes there, calling on parties to engage in a responsible dialogue to reach a political solution to the crisis that preserves Syria’s territorial integrity and national unity and put an end to killing and destruction.

In another context, the Arab Parliament called on the Palestinian faction to speed up the implementation of the reconciliation agreement, calling on Arab countries to support Al-Quds at regional and international gatherings.

It also called for stepping up cooperation with Iraq in order to help it liberate its lands from the terrorist organisation of Daesh, and enhance national reconciliation. 

On Libya, the AP reiterated its support to the Libya Parliament and the UN-led National Dialogue.

The Arab Parliament stressed the need to step up cooperation to address the scourge of terrorism through joint security work and comprehensive strategy.

Arab law makers expressed their support to Tunisia, and backed its counter-terrorism efforts, calling on Arab countries to provide economic and security support to it and encourage investment in it so as to be able to overcome economic difficulties.