*** ----> Campaign of cleaning and removing residues and waste, at karzakan coast | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Campaign of cleaning and removing residues and waste, at karzakan coast


The new hangout spot in Karzakan popularly known as “Sumati Curve” amongst expatriates is facing huge problem which distortes the beauty of the coast and the sea.
The Northern Municipality carried out a campaign of cleaning and removing residues and waste, including food residues and non-dissolving plastics in the coastal area of Karzakan.
Zainab Al Derazi a member of the Northern Municipal Council stressed the importance of maintaining the coastal area without any health hazards, to demonstrate civilized behavior by committing not to distort the aesthetic of the seas and the marine environment by throwing waste inside it, which reflects a negative aspect that some people do, noting at the same time that Coast cleaning campaigns in the Northern Governorate are continuing.
A pollution free atmosphere also is an integral part of our holistic cleansing program.
A clean country means healthy citizens and is always a motivation for people. Cleanliness should come from the hearts of people; starting from their homes, becoming a habit; manifesting itself as a clean and healthy society. Every household has lot of plastic waste. Our public places have become dumping yards for such waste. We need to set guidelines and implement stricter laws to reduce those. Every household should be responsible for the waste they generate.