*** Stop Debt Collection Harassment! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Stop Debt Collection Harassment!

A rights group in Bahrain have appealed to the government to urgently intervene to stop debt collection harassments and abuses during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

People don’t need yet another stress in the form of debt col- lection harassment during this “pause” in the economy. Yet, Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) says, that’s just what is happening. 

“We are calling on companies to stop harassing people, especially expatriates with low income who have been hardest hit,” said BHRS in a statement to the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism And Tel- excommunication Regulatory Authority. 

The rights officials, in its appeal, points out that the lock- down has produced a massive financial impact on businesses and workers. 

“We’re calling on companies to step up and help customers who are experiencing hardship,” said Lyn Le. Altarejos, Director of the Foreign Workers Society of Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society. “Harassment won’t be of any help.”“All are affected. 

Normal life will be never the same again, with low-income earners being the worst affected.” 

What we need at this hour for agencies is to practice “humanity”. 

Debt collector initiated telephone communications to employers have even resulted in several losing their jobs, BHRWS points out.

“Repeated calls have resulted in employers terminating employees to avoid troubles.”
“This has further aggravated the situation, pushing people into physical and mental trauma.” 

Faisal Fulad, the Secretary-General of Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society, has called on all to respect people’s privacy and not to exploit them for the other purposes.

Supporting Fulad, Altarejos, urged the debt companies not to approach customers with the threat of “arrest” or court proceeding in the event of a lapse. 

“Many of them have lost their jobs, or got embroiled in visa, rents and electricity bill issues.” 

“We need compassionate support from all Government Authorities to help our foreign workers.”