*** ----> Why is there a sharp spike in cases? | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Why is there a sharp spike in cases?

TDT | Manama

Bahrain is reporting a sudden spike in the COVID-19 cases, particularly following the last two weeks. According to the National Medical Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus, the percentage of Bahraini Citizens in the number of active COVID-19 cases reported daily have almost doubled.

So, what went wrong? The combined efforts of the government and health workers were turning out so good that hopes were high for the COVID-19 pandemic curve in the Kingdom to flatten soon. That seems to be changing now! So, what has pushed the COVID-19 numbers up among citizens in the Kingdom?

There is only one answer to that question: NON-COMPLIANCE with PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES during ASHURA. The National Medical Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus says Bahrainis has allowed themselves to get into such a predicament with the “non-compliance of precautionary guidelines during Ashura holidays.”

The result is distressing: The number of active COVID-19 cases rose over the past two weeks, surpassing 750 on some of the previous days. The two-weeks Statistics say two weeks after the Eid Al Fitr holidays, COVID-19 cases reached 5,568, of which 37 percent were Bahraini citizens.

Active COVID-19 cases then doubled two weeks after the Ashura holidays, reaching 7,451, of which 82pc are Bahraini citizens. More concerning is the fact that after the Ashura season, cases are rising among children and women, National Medical Taskforce says.

There are 2,787 women and 1,480 children among the existing coronavirus cases in the Kingdom now, representing a 34 pc increase, compared to the period before Ashura. The virus does not discriminate “Virus does not discriminate between race, religion, or faith,” the Taskforce officials warned. Getting out requires “unified efforts” of the citizens as “a loss of life cannot be compensated.”

There needs a “commitment to follow all precautionary measures aimed at preserving the health of the community.” The officials pointed out that there is a considerable rise in cases among individuals with low immunity, including children and the elderly. This is the “risk” we are facing, and to overcome citizens and The resident should come together.

Social responsibility The Taskforce underscored the importance of social responsibility to safeguard individuals, families and the community, by vigilantly adhering to all health guidelines aimed at mitigating the spread of the virus, reducing infection rates and flattening the curve. “Consider this as a national duty”, said the Taskforce officials pointing to the efforts of the frontline workers who are tirelessly working round the clock.

The Taskforce officials noted that following all precautionary guidelines and social distancing measures are important to mitigating the spread of the virus. “There are introduced based on scientific facts, and international statistics, and data on the virus.”

Walk back from easing! The Taskforce expressed its thanks to the citizens, residents, mosques, and ma'am carers who have been socially responsible and supported mitigation efforts by vigilantly following all precautionary measures introduced to ensure the community remains safe for all.

The officials also warned that continued non-compliance with health and precautionary measures would leave a negative impact on society and on the Kingdom’s efforts which have been praised internationally.

“If the number of existing cases continues to increase, decisions based on data and developments will be reviewed, and a return to procedures from the previous stages to mitigate the spread of the virus may be required,” officials warned.