*** ----> Facing global COVID-19 challenges | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Facing global COVID-19 challenges

TDT | Manama

The challenges facing the international community as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic were discussed at the 13th Ministerial Meeting of the Global Governance Group (3G), attended yesterday by Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani.

Participating in the virtual meeting were Japan, which chaired the 2019 G20; Saudi Arabia, which is chairing the 2020 G20; and Italy, which will be chairing the 2021 G20. It was held on the sideline of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

The efforts exerted by the G20 and the UN to address the virus issue were talked about, along with promoting active international cooperation and inclusive global governance in addressing the challenges facing states. The 3G issued a statement lauding the strong leadership of Saudi in mobilizing international action to confront the huge challenges posed by COVID-19.

This was done by holding the G20 Virtual Leaders’ Extraordinary Summit on Coronavirus earlier this year, and the G20 Foreign Ministers Extraordinary Meeting in the first week of September, to discuss enhancing international cooperation to recover from the impacts of the pandemic and strengthening preparedness for similar future crises.

In addition to these, the timely launch and advancement of the G20 action plan to coordinate the global economy were discussed. The statement also hailed the G20’s continuous efforts to advance the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and to support developing countries in their implementation efforts.

It expressed appreciation for the short- and long-term measures adopted by the G20 to regulate and facilitate trade, operate logistical networks, and provide support to micro, small and medium enterprises, in addition to building resilience in global supply chains and boosting international investment to achieve comprehensive and sustainable recovery from the deep global recession.