*** ----> Discussing housing conditions that pose a threat to their residents | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Discussing housing conditions that pose a threat to their residents


In the implementation of the directives of His Excellency Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the esteemed Minister of Interior, regarding setting up a working mechanism to ensure the reduction of the density of foreign workers in their areas of residence to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus COVID 19 and following up on His Excellency Mr Ali bin Sheikh Abdul Hussein Al-Asfour, Governor of the Northern Governorate, Brigadier Khaled Rabiah Sinan Al-Dossary, Deputy Governor, visited a number of collective housing sites for expatriate workers in the North, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, in order to ensure the safety of the residents and communicate with the owners.

Brigadier General Al-Dosari stated that the aim of the visit is to review the validity of housing and determine its safety for residents, update databases to reach the owners of informal shared housing, and achieve social distancing between workers, stressing the keenness of preserving the safety of citizens and residents in the various regions of the governorate.

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