*** Lawmaker calls for stricter laws to protect marine environment | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Lawmaker calls for stricter laws to protect marine environment

TDT | Manama

A lawmaker has called for stricter laws to punish people endangering the marine ecosystem through illegal and harmful fishing methods. In a press statement publicized by the Council of Representatives, Second Deputy Speaker Ali Zayid said: “The continued violations of destroying the marine environment by overfishing calls for tougher punishment.”

MP Zayid added that the existing punishments prescribed by the law are not deterrent enough and called for reviewing them and in the process toughen penalties against violators. “There must be an increase in the penalty of imprisonment, fines, and deportation against everyone, Bahrainis or foreigners, who endanger the national wealth seeking to earn quick money,” the MP stated.

He also referred to the increasing number of cases reported by the Coast Guard in the Interior Ministry, with regards to illegal fishing methods such as trawling, which risks marine life in Bahrain and causes the decline in the numbers of sea creatures.

The MP mentioned that the next phase requires parliamentary coordination with the relevant authorities to enable Bahraini sailors, seafarers, and fishermen through the strict implementation of laws. MP Zayid added: “Such practices have a big impact on the country and require long years for the sea to recover and for the fish stocks to come back to normal.”