*** ----> Fourth legislative term opens | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fourth legislative term opens

The second session of the Fourth Legislative Term was officially opened yesterday under the patronage and presence of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. On this occasion, a special ceremony was held at Isa Cultural Centre in Juffair.

It was attended by Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Ministers, Diplomatic corps members, National Assembly (Shura Council and Parliament) members and other dignitaries and guests.

Addressing the gathering, HM the King assured that development projects and services that serve the citizens will continue and will not be affected in any way. Despite all circumstances, our joint national action and development programmes will grow and continue in all sectors that serve the nation and the citizens, particularly the projects of infrastructure, education, health, housing and all other vital services, HM the King confirmed.

In this regard, HM the King appreciated the efforts paid by the Executive Authority (Government), headed by the Premier and Crown Prince, who spared no efforts in leading the country’s march towards more progress. He also underscored the important role and cooperation of the National Assembly in achieving sustainable development in the country.

HM the King added, Despite all challenges we are determined to make more reforms for our country and develop our society. We will carry on deepening the bases of citizenship based on justice, equality and equal opportunities.

Kingdom Still Strong HM the King’s speech also referred to the continuous attempts targeting the Kingdom’s security and economy and aim at destabilising it by jeopardising the safety of citizens and residents.

He said: We have had enough experiences and challenges over the past years from which we have learnt how to deal soundly with conspiracies orchestrated against all of us. We were able to expose and foil them by open national minds and vigilant social awareness that reject all acts of destruction, vandalism, narrow-mindedness and fanaticism.

HM the King hinted at the continuous interference of the Iranian regime in the internal affairs of Bahrain and other regional countries, such as Yemen. The Kingdom of Bahrain, which has been affected by such interference, is aware of its danger on its security and stability and its impact on the countries of the region.

The events in the brotherly Yemen, amid the coup against legitimacy and foreign interference, have proven soundness of the decision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its wise leadership to intervene alongside other Arab brotherly countries through the Operation Decisive Storm and Operation Restoring Hope to confirm the legitimacy and stop foreign interference and ambitions,he said.

Soldiers Hailed HM King Hamad valued the services of Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) soldiers, commending those who are taking part in the military operations in Yemen and affirming that those who were martyred will always be remembered.

Therefore, HM the King announced December 17 to be the annual Martyr Day to commemorate and honour Bahrain’s martyrs in recognition of their sacrifices and redemption for the sake of their country and Nation.

Additionally, HM the King instructed Education Ministry to document the sacrifices of BDF, National Guard and Interior Ministry personnel in securing the nation and to ensure teaching them to Bahrain’s students in their curricula.

This is out of our appreciation and gratitude to BDF and the National Guard for their military duties with brotherly and friendly countries abroad since their establishment and for the humanitarian campaigns of the Interior Ministry, HM the King stated.

HM King Hamad said,  We have also directed the ministry to intensify its educational efforts to develop and follow up on the content of the academic curricula that reinforce national loyalty and belonging, consolidate the values of tolerance and moderation, ensure their good application and the need to take the necessary measures to remove all obstacles facing that.