*** ----> Residents rush to save Yemeni family | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Residents rush to save Yemeni family

Residents have rushed to help a Yemeni man who was struggling financially to take care of his four children after his wife passed away in Yemen. The man is working in a low-paid job in Bahrain. His situation was exacerbated by a loan he took in order to pay for the air tickets to bring his children to Bahrain from Yemen. The 25-year-old father had recently visited Yemen to bring his children to Bahrain after his home was destroyed in the conflict. He was unable to cope with his family’s expenses in Bahrain.

Good Link, a charity organization, stepped up efforts to help the man after it learned about the family's plight from a volunteer. Speaking to DT News, a spokesperson from the organization said  We heard about this man from his daughter's teacher. She observed that the six-year-old-girl was behaving in an unusual manner - she didn't speak clearly and was too shy even to accept any sweets. The teacher called the father to come to school and when she discussed with him, she understood the dire situation the family was in.

The man also has three boys, aged five four and one. The girl suffers from  hearing loss and speech problems; the 5-year-old boy is deaf and mute and mentally challenged, the spokesperson for the charity said. The Good Link spokesperson said the father was in a bad situation because his salary was not enough to meet his expenses. He earns BD 300 per month, from which he has to pay BD 180 for rent and BD 60 for loan repayment. He is only left with BD 60 a month, which is not enough.

The organisation posted his story on the Facebook group Mums in Bahrain Classifieds. Members of the group were quick to offer help, and over BD 3,000 in cash were collected within a few days. Good Link said that BD1,200 will be used to pay off his loan and the remaining cash will be given to him on a monthly basis.