*** Bahrain Indian School completes a week of on-campus classes | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Indian School completes a week of on-campus classes


Bahrain Indian School completed a week of on-campus classes for Grades 8, 9, and 10 students. The classes, BIS said, followed the health and safety procedures laid down by the Ministries of Education and Health to combat COVID 19. Parents were made aware of the guidelines, entry and exit protocols through detailed circulars.

“The processes as laid out are strictly adhered to and followed in the campus,” said BIS. Students, BIS added, were also intimated about the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ to be followed to remain safe. BIS carried out a survey where parents were required to provide their choice between on-line and on-campus classes. BIS said it would continue with the online and on-campus classes simultaneously. “More grades for on-campus classes will be added in a phased manner,” the school added.