*** High turnout drains H1N1 vaccine in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

High turnout drains H1N1 vaccine in Bahrain

Following the swine flu phobia that recently swept the country, health authorities announced yesterday that the country’s stocks of vaccinations are almost over, due to the huge turnover witnessed by healthcare outlets in the past few days.

Health Ministry stated that communications are being made with the producing company to import more shipments of the vaccination.

The Ministry has directed the company to immediately send 25, 000 additional injections. Furthermore, the Ministry is also seeking importing vaccinations from different sources in the neighbouring countries, the statement read.

Simultaneously, the Ministry requested the public to avoid panicking, confirming that situations are under control. It assured that H1N1 was nothing more than a seasonal disease that accompanies the seasons-changing part of the year.

However, the Ministry advised to take precautionary measures such as maintaining hygiene, eating healthy food, ensuring good sleep and exercise. It informed that such steps would contribute in improving the immune system.

The Ministry has also intensified its awareness campaigns as rumours increased lately about the reemergence of the disease.