*** ----> HM King addresses nation on National Days | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King addresses nation on National Days

TDT I Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa has addressed the nation as the Kingdom celebrates its National Days in commemoration of the establishment of the modern Bahraini state as an Arab and Muslim country founded by Ahmed Al Fateh in 1783, the anniversary of its full membership in the United Nations, and the anniversary of His Majesty the King’s accession to the throne.

The following is a translation of the royal address:

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions,

Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you

On this momentous national day, it is our pleasure to address you all, as we have always done on such auspicious occasions. We renew with you our common determination to enrich our path to modernization and development, building on the achievements of the founders of our long-established state that were inspired by our faith, values and traditions, and shaped by our moderate, tolerant and civilized approach. We will remain faithful and contribute to their blessed journey, which started more than two hundred years ago, as we build our homeland of the future for the next generations of Bahrainis.

This year, we mark our National Day, on which the credit for the establishment and development of the contemporary Bahraini state goes to our father, the late His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

We also mourn the Kingdom’s great loss of our dear uncle, His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, who extended his help and support for us, as well as our father, long before us and to the honorable people of Bahrain. His journey of giving and countless achievements will remain an unforgettable memory, crowned by its unwavering lessons on the meaning of sincere dedication and hard work embodied in the chapters of building this nation, which prides itself on its accomplishments and continues to rise in its position ... supported with the pride and loyalty of its citizens.

Thus, the Kingdom of Bahrain continues, based on its inherent legacy and its free national will, to work patiently and steadily to renew the historic development and build on its leadership, with the blessing of God and our honorable sons and daughters, together with the vision of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, who is the leading factor in bearing this national responsibility. We appreciate his outstanding vision, inspiring leadership and relentless efforts ... asking God to help him in performing his assigned tasks, as he has always been, the object of trust to achieve what we aspire to for the good and development of the nation.

As a token of appreciation for these kind and dedicated efforts, we have ordered the creation of the Prince Salman bin Hamad Medal for Medical Merit. This medal is awarded to doctors, nurses, and medical staff, as well as to those who were martyred while performing their medical duties, in addition to frontline workers who made significant contributions and services in the material and moral support of medical personnel.

Within the framework of these unwavering efforts, we renew our thanks and appreciation for the constant efforts of all frontline workers facing the pandemic, as they are the ones who have shown clear perseverance, courage and patience to overcome difficulties for the sake of a better tomorrow, which will lead to the road of recovery.

In this regard, we would like to announce that Bahrain will soon start implementing its national campaign to provide a safe and licensed vaccine to combat the virus, and we have directed that it be available free of charge to every citizen and resident, provided that it is optional for those who wish to take it, and we all hope that we will soon return to normal life, even better than it once was.

In light of this occasion whose value we reiterate each year, we cannot but stand in respect of the sacrifices of our martyrs from the beginning of the nation’s foundation until the present day, whose glowing memory and eternal heroism will remain a bright record carrying lessons and stories of pride and courage in defending the interests of our country ... to remain honored and dear, to continue carrying its message in defending the values of humanity, and to be, as the whole world knows, a land of security, peace and stability for its people and all its residents.

We pray to God to have mercy on the martyrs of Bahrain, and to enable our defense and security forces to perform their national duties, to whom we extend our utmost thanks and appreciation for their loyalty and sacrifices to preserve the security, sovereignty and stability of our dear Kingdom.

In conclusion, as we look towards a prosperous future, we recognize those in charge of the existing constitutional institutions and public bodies, especially our young people, and all citizens, whose unequivocal support in all circumstances and times is a source of pride and one of the strongest incentives and greatest gifts to reach our hopes and aspirations for the stability and prosperity of our dear Bahrain. Thus, we reiterate our pride at their noble generosity, and the appreciated comprehensive support of our honorable citizens.

With our support and pride forever.

Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you