*** Bahrain Shura submit proposal to regulate health & fitness sector | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Shura submit proposal to regulate health & fitness sector

TDT | Manama 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A proposal to regulate the activities of sports centres and academies in the Kingdom is up for discussion in the Shura Council today. The council will review a report on the subject by Youth Affairs Committee prepared by Sabeeka Khalifa Ahmed Al-Fadhala, Bassam Ismail Albinmohamed, Khaled Hussain Al-Maskati, Dr Jehad Abdullah Al-Fadhel, Dr Muhammad Ali Hassan Ali.

The proposal aims at setting rules to regulate the functioning of sports training centres and academies, health clubs, swimming pools, fitness and sports centres, bodybuilding centres and other sporting and training centres.

“Such a law would fill up the legislative void created by the absence of an authority responsible for licensing, supervision and monitoring of such facilities,” shura committee said.

The committee said that there is an increased need to bring the sector under control, citing the growing demand for such facilities and rising cases of injuries and deaths related to wrong training methods.

The committee also called for organising the sector by introducing a licensing system under the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs. “It is necessary to obtain a professional certificate from an accredited training body to pursue professions like training,” the committee stressed.

The council will also discuss a report of the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee on amending Article (18) of the Civil Service Law promulgated by Decree-Law No. 48 of 2010.

Members will also vote on amending Article (327) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law promulgated by Decree-Law No. (12) of 1971.

Among other matters, a law to ratify an agreement on air services between Bahrain and Maldives, and an agreement between Bahrain and the Swiss Federal Union regarding the elimination of double taxation will be discussed.