*** ----> Muharraq rejects Al Jazeera’s blatant lies and deliberate misinformation broadcast | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Muharraq rejects Al Jazeera’s blatant lies and deliberate misinformation broadcast

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Towns and villages of Muharraq have denounced the blatant lies and deliberate misinformation broadcast by Qatar’s Al Jazeera Channel about the Muharraq Governorate Police Directorate, affirmed Muharraq Governor Salman bin Isa bin Hindi Al Mannai.

The unfounded allegations are an affront mainly to the honourable people of Qatar who are linked to the people of Muharraq through kinship, lineage and blood relations, he said. He pointed out that the Muharraq people have reproached the people of Qatar for lapsing into silence over the misinformation, depravity and constant incitement used by the channel to spread discord among peoples.

“The people of Muharraq have stressed that Al Jazeera channel has, since its inception, caused divisions and rifts between the people of Qatar and all the peoples of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). It has also targeted the bonds of love, affection, kinship and blood between the people of Bahrain, especially the people of Muharraq, and their brothers in Qatar. However, the people of Muharraq will not remain passive regarding any offence against Bahrain, or its leadership or people.”

The governor praised the role and performances of the Muharraq Police Directorate and its implementation of many successful programmes and experiences in the field of police work and its connection to social services.

The community partnership policy pursued by the Ministry of Interior has become a scientific reference and an advanced civilised approach that has attracted the world’s attention, he added. The governor conveyed the resentment of all the people of Muharraq about the reticence and taciturnity of their relatives in Qatar about the misleading channel’s violations.

He pointed out that Qataris have always been welcomed in Muharraq where people expressed their appreciation and offered gracious hospitality in their homes, markets and among their families. Since the early times and until the present, Muharraq has welcomed the people of Qatar who opted to settle in the city that has always been open to all the people of the Arabian Gulf and has never hesitated to share with them everything, including its pearls lying on sea beds, he said.

The governor added that the people of Muharraq have rejected the lies of Al Jazeera and have asked the people of Qatar to snub the channel that has been targeting the deep-rooted relations between the two brotherly peoples. The governor said that it was his moral duty to take the statement of the people of Muharraq to the world in general and to the people of Qatar in particular.

In their statement, the people said that Muharraq which has been fondly called by HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa the “Mother of All Cities”, the “School of Patriotism” and the “Apple of HM the King’s Eye” will never tolerate any fabrications disseminated by the misleading Al Jazeera channel.

The governor also expressed his pride in the thanks and appreciation by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, during the Cabinet session yesterday, to the people of Muharraq whose spirit of patriotism has spread to the other towns and villages of Bahrain.

The governor praised the Cabinet’s rejection of any negative actions against Bahrainis and stressed that the violations are unacceptable and that the necessary measures will be taken to protect the rights of citizens.

The governor also expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa for the ministry’s efforts and the valiance of its staff in maintaining safety and security.


Muharraq Governor Salman bin Isa bin Hindi Al Mannai

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