*** ----> Bahrainis asked to stay clear of gatherings in US | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrainis asked to stay clear of gatherings in US

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The embassy of Bahrain in Washington DC has called on all Bahraini citizens to stay away from demonstrations and gatherings in the city. Citizens are also advised to follow the instruction issued by local authorities, strictly.

In the event of an emergency, citizens can call the embassy on 12023421111, ext. 9.

Blood, bombs, clashes and curfew.

The US Capitol hill witnessed all these and more violence after pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to force Congress to block the appointment of President-elect Joe Biden, producing a harrowing assault on American democracy. However, many hours after the assault, the shaken Congress yesterday formally certified Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory.

Immediately after the certification, the White House released a statement from Trump in which he pledged an “orderly transition” on Jan. 20 when Biden will be sworn into office.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will take office alongside Biden on Jan. 20. Trump in a tweet on Wednesday, now taken down, described the storming of the building as a natural response.

He also blamed Vice President Mike Pence for lacking “courage” to pursue the claims of election fraud. Twitter locked Trump’s account until 12 hours after he deletes those tweets and a video in which he alleged the presidential election was fraudulent and urged protesters to go home.

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