*** ----> PNA Bahrain elects new board members | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

PNA Bahrain elects new board members

The Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) in Bahrain elected a new set of officers during its assembly held at the Philippine Embassy in Manama recently.

Irene Tolentino, an Operating Room (OR) nurse at King Hamad University Hospital was elected as the President. 

Elected officers also include VP Internal Ma. Yvonne Bedrejo, VP External Gilbert Salacup; Secretary, Rachelle Rivera; Asssistant Secretary, Mariella Fabella; Treasurer, Nemia Quillope; Assitant Treasurer. Lea Jaquilmac; Auditor Glenda Betonio; Assistant Auditor Aida Austria and PRO Alberto Sandoval.

The group of nurses came together for a common purpose of promoting activities that will empower and unify nurses in Bahrain, to collaborate with other Filipino groups, involve and participate in charitable endeavors in the community.

The Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) headed by Labour Attache Felixberta Romero who has been very supportive of the group claimed “ the gathering was very successful that sharing and learning professional experiences was put into action”.

Regina Apostol, Quality and Safety Specialist at King Hamad University Hospital and the chartered president of the PNA Bahrain (PNAB) said, “This is a milestone in nursing history in Bahrain as our dreams and inspirations of transforming this profession into leadership and empowerment was finally achieved."

According to Apostol, Philippine Nurses Association Bahrain (PNAB) was able to launch and generate programs and activities that would prepare nurses to be globally competitive.  They were able to attend numerous training and seminars to hone up their skills and competence and determine its role and responsibilities in maintaining the professional role in giving optimal standard quality services in different clinical settings.

Apostol enumerated some activities they collaborated with along with fellow OFWs.  PNAB was invited to participate and conduct free medical mission to benefits fellow OFWS.

The new sets of officers, through its new president, vowed to continue programs and activities of PNAB beneficial to the organization.

The Philippine Nurses Association was founded on September 2, 1922 as Filipino Nurses Association (FNA) on mission of championing global competence and professional image of Filipino nurses.  Its International affiliation includes International Council of Nurses.