*** ----> Iranian man awaits verdict in drug case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Iranian man awaits verdict in drug case

An Iranian man accused of consuming heroin will learn his fate on November 15. Aged 45, the defendant is said to have been arrested in the morning of last June 6 by police patrolling team in Salmaniya while in search of drug dealers.


The defendant attracted the suspicions of the police officers while he was picking up a cigarette packet but then abandoned it when he realised he was being surveyed.


"When he noticed us approaching him, he dropped the thing he was holding and tried to move away from us. So we stopped the car to inspect the object that was in his hand," a police officer said.


It turned out that it was a cigarette containing heroin. "We immediately chased him, but he attempted to flee. He then resisted the arrest, before we managed to handcuff him," he added.


According to court files, two police officers were injured during the incident. Detectives later raided the 45-year-old's apartment and seized drugs from there. The defendant has been accused of possessing drugs with intention to consume.