*** ----> MoW maintains storm water drains | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MoW maintains storm water drains

The Ministry had maintained 10,607 storm water drains since the beginning of 2015. “The Ministry is still proceeding with the maintenance works in all the Kingdom’s Governorates; in line with the annual cleaning and maintenance programme and based on time contracts,” said by the Sanitary Engineering Operation and Maintenance Director at the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Nazha Abu Hindi.

The maintenance plan aims to clean around 50,000 storm water chambers along the roads main network and maintain 85 storm water stations and 65 storm water outlets to the sea.

Abu Hindi explained that the Ministry was keen to maintain sewerage facilities and storm water drains considering that they were highly important national investments. Besides, the Ministry is seeking to alleviate any risks coinciding with the beginning of the winter and rainy season.

According to Abu Hindi, storm water drains are affected along the year by dust, agricultural waste, paper and plastic bags, which naturally affect their performance and require regular cleaning and maintenance. The maintenance of storm water drains includes cleaning drains along roads and avenues, cleaning inspection chambers and outlets to the sea, open drains and storage tanks.