*** ----> Virtual tour of Bahrain history | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Virtual tour of Bahrain history

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Culture and Language Club of the Bahrain Polytechnic organised a virtual interactive tour of the Bahrain National Museum.

In coordination with the Department of Museums and Antiquities at the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, it was held via Microsoft Teams video programme.

Students of the International Student Exchange Program from the Hebria Institute of Management Business and Technology in the French Republic and the Polytechnic Club of Culture and Language, as well as a group of employees, took part in the event.

Its aim was to introduce the students to the more than 6,000 years’ history of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The virtual tour of the Bahrain National Museum included a visit to the Dilmun Hall, Tylos and Islam Hall, Hall of Customs and Traditions, and the Chamber of Trade and Traditional Crafts.


Two expert tour guides from the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA) provided information about the most prominent historical evidence contained in these halls.

There was great interaction among the participants about the history of Bahrain and its ancient cultural heritage.

They took the initiative to ask questions to the tour guides, who answered them with gratitude in a sufficient and interesting way.

The Director of Student Affairs at the Polytechnic, Shaikh Khalid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, thanked and appreciated the BACA, and he was looking forward to hosting more activities that would enhance students’ knowledge of Bahrain’s culture and history, as well as their educational experience at Bahrain Polytechnic.


The Bahrain Polytechnic has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Hebria Institute of Business and Technology Management (Lyon, France) in February 2020, which aims mainly to develop academic and cultural exchange in the fields of research, education and other fields.

The memorandum stipulates that the two institutions cooperate in forming a programme for the exchange of academic experiences with the aim of training and providing courses and workshops in various fields, and cooperation in developing student exchange programmes.

It provides the opportunity for students in the third year to attend one semester in France, as the programme is presented in dedicated classes.