*** ----> Bahrain condemns Saudi mosque terrorist attack | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain condemns Saudi mosque terrorist attack

Bahrain has strongly condemned the cowardly terrorist attack that targeted a mosque in the eastern city of Saihat in the province of Qatif in Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring many.


"Bahrain offered profound condolences to the Saudi leadership, relatives of the victims, and the Saudi people, wishing speedy recovery to those injured in the  terrorist attack that violates Islamic teachings and contravenes all human values and ethics," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.


"Bahrain expressed confidence that such acts will never succeed in making any rift or dispute among Saudi nationals, thanks to the wisdom and determination of the Saudi King. The Saudi citizens are aware of the vicious plots and conspiracies aiming to undermine security and sow abhorrent sectarian rift across Arab and Islamic worlds," the statement added.


Bahrain confirmed its unwavering solidarity with Saudi Arabia and its support to all measures it takes to consolidate security and stability over its territories. Bahrain confirmed cooperation with Saudi efforts to eradicate all forms and types of plague of terrorism.


"Bahrain highly commends the practical and unmistakable Saudi efforts to consolidate regional and international security and peace with effective pragmatic initiative to overcome all challenges and crises that are facing the region and the international community including violence and terrorism," the ministry said in the statement.


The Gulf Cooperation Council issued a statement yesterday saying it "strongly condemns the terrorist attack", which it described as a "horrific crime".


Earlier, a gunman shot and killed five people in an attack on a Shi'ite Muslim meeting hall in Saudi Arabia before being shot dead by police, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV said.


Islamic State has launched a series of deadly attacks inside the Kingdom in recent months, aiming to stir sectarian confrontation on the Arabian peninsula and bring about the overthrow of Gulf states' ruling dynasties.


Saudi authorities said in July they had rounded up 431 Islamic State suspects and had foiled plots to attack places of worship and security forces.