*** Bahrain will not tolerate harming homeland and citizens' interest: HRH Prince Salman | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain will not tolerate harming homeland and citizens' interest: HRH Prince Salman

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain is a peace-loving state and believes in good neighbourly relations with all its neighbours, “but will not hesitate to go to any extent to protect its borders and ensure the rights and interests of its citizens.

“No matter what it takes, we will not hesitate to safeguard the interest of the citizens, for they are the true wealth of the nation,” HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa said during a press meet with the editors-in-chief of local newspapers.

The Crown Prince and Prime Minister also highlighted the Gulf Cooperation Council as crucial to regional stability, hailing Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait for their contributions.

“We look forward to boosting this cooperation further to continue joint works in the region,” said HRH Prince Salman.

Prince Salman also said that the Kingdom is working to strengthen its strategic ties with the United States of America and the United Kingdom in the fight against terrorism.

“We also seek to build relations based on common interests with the Russian Federation, China and other friendly countries of the world.”

When asked about Qatar, HRH Prince Salman said that any solution must satisfy everyone in the region.

“Historically, the maritime borders were open for fishermen from both countries to exercise their activities. The closure was for political reasons and not for protecting fish wealth.”

“We are ready to deal this with open hands for whoever wants good relations with the Kingdom. “But we will not tolerate harming the interest of the homeland and the citizens.”

According to the Al-Ula agreement, the Kingdom took the initiative to communicate with Qatar.

“We are now awaiting their response.”

“Bahrain welcomes them for a direct meeting,” said HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

Press law

On the upcoming press law, HRH Prince Salman said the Kingdom is preparing a draft to amend the press law.

“Once completed, the legislative authority will take further actions.”

When asked about the US-Iran tensions, HRH said the Kingdom always strives to maintain peace and distances itself from wars and tension in the region.

“That having being said, Bahrain is fully prepared to defend the interests of the homeland and citizens. We always seek good relations with our neighbours and are open for communication.”

 HRH Crown Prince and Prime Minister also stressed that the pandemic has opened up a field of cooperation, at least in the humanitarian aspects.

“The Gulf Cooperation Council should be part of any discussion or negotiations that matter the stability and security of the region.”

Turning challenges into opportunities

On the current challenges, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister said that the Kingdom is investing in education and health to overcome various challenges.

“We must transform these challenges into opportunities, which we have started, already. Our belief in success is centred on our national wealth - the citizens.”

Private sector

HRH the Crown Prince further stressed the importance of developing policies and legislation to support the private sector.

“We will continue to achieve economic stability, as we are looking at them as an opportunity to achieve the best and foster innovation. I am keen to continue developing financial services, information and communication technology, tourism, logistics, oil and gas and manufacturing.”

Oil resources

“Besides, we have promising oil resources and are looking forward to investing in them for the benefit of the country and its citizens. We are currently exploring global partnerships to bring the best expertise to extract oil and gas, in addition to our national cadres working in this field.”

Prince Salman also said that the Kingdom is working to improve its legal system for preserving rights, expand alternative penalties programme and the adoption of reform and rehabilitation centres for open prisons.


The government, HRH Prince Salman said, also continues to formulate innovating solutions for developing housing and infrastructure in partnership with the private sector to accelerate development.

Prince Salman further said that the government is continuing the national vaccination plan and is overcoming challenges with social help.

“Although we are not manufacturing any vaccine, the Kingdom had successfully brought down the mortality rate, which is amongst the lowest in the world. This is done by maintaining freedom of movement and without imposing complete closure or a curfew, not even for a single day. Unlike other countries, we followed a balanced approach in partnership with the national medical team to take appropriate decision and adopt policies.”

Roadmap to recovery

“We have a clear roadmap for recovery. It there is a ship carrying the countries of the world to get out of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are at the forefront of this ship. The recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic is expected to begin by the middle of this year.”

HRH Prince Salman further called on all to work with the spirit of one, “so that Kingdom always remain as an oasis of security, safety and stability.”

“Bahrain is fast becoming a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the region,” His Royal Highness said.

The editors-in-chief thanked HRH Crown Prince and Prime Minister and continued support to the press.

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