*** ----> Man killed as car rams into a palm tree in Hidd | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man killed as car rams into a palm tree in Hidd

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbhahrain.com

A man died after his vehicle smashed into a palm tree on the sidewalk of an internal road in the Hidd area. Interior Ministry a tweet confirmed the accident.

The ministry also identified the man as a 42-year-old Asian national. Police reached the scene immediately and are investigating the accident.

Reports said the man lost control of the vehicle, which veered onto the footpath and rammed into the palm tree. The car suffered only minimal damages in the front on collision.

Onlookers said that a police car reached the scene immediately after the mishap and took control of the situation. Officials removed the car from the accident scene shortly.

However, it is immediately not clear what caused the accident. The Ministry of Interior said: “the competent authorities begin their procedures at the site.”