*** Man arrested for major  theft from parked car | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man arrested for major  theft from parked car

A man was arrested for stealing BD23000 from a parked car after he followed the victim from a bank to his work place.

The thief stole the money after he spotted the victim leaving a bank with a huge amount of cash. The victim was followed to his office in Manama where he parked his car. The accused used a stone to break in and steal the money.

"We were informed by the operation room that money was stolen from a car in Manama. The authorities concerned rushed to the scene. The victim said he had withdrawn BD23000 from the bank and put the amount in an envelope in the car before going to his office. When he returned to the car, he discovered that somebody broke the car window and stolen the cash. The thief followed the victim when he came out of the bank and then followed him in his car until he reached his office. He stole the money when the employee rushed to his office while leaving the money in the car," Interior Ministry's Al Amn channel said quoting a senior police officer.

"After checking the CCTVs on the road, one car was spotted following the victim in a suspicious manner. The route the victim took from bank to the company was defined. After collecting the details about the suspected car, all security directorates were informed about it. The car was spotted while it was heading towards a checkpoint. When driver was questioned he confessed that he had followed the victim from the bank to his workplace then broke the window with a stone. Legal proceedings were taken and he was referred to the Public prosecution," the officer said.