*** ----> Bahrain rejects EU resolution on Kingdom's rights on situation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain rejects EU resolution on Kingdom's rights on situation

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday condemned in strongest words the resolution adopted by the European Parliament regarding Bahrain’s rights situation.

The foreign ministry statement said the resolution was based on “false allegations” and “fallacies” irrelevant to reality and based on adverse and dishonest sources seeking to discredit the Kingdom.

The ministry statement also expressed surprise at “how an elected parliamentary institution could take such a decision without communication with competent authorities in the Kingdom without verifying the correctness of the allegations.”

The resolution constitutes “unacceptable transgression and unacceptable interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs.” “The EU resolution blatantly overlooked the progress made by Bahrain in protecting and promoting human rights, ensuring basic freedoms by focusing only on limited cases without accuracy,” said the statement.

The EU parliament also failed to see the complete picture of the development of the human rights situation in the Kingdom in its various dimensions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that respect for human rights and freedoms is an essential national component.

“Bahrain adopts a proactive and preventive approach regarding any possible allegations of individual cases affecting human rights.”

The Kingdom is also continuously working to enhance the ability to respond to such cases, following the constitution, laws, and customs followed, the statement added.

“The doors of Bahrain are open and available to the international bodies to view its human rights record, programmes and advanced initiatives in this regard,” said the ministry.

Unilateral view Shura Council viewed the report as a unilateral view, which lacked objectivity and professionalism, the basic framework of parliamentary work.

“This act constitutes a clear violation of the international treaties and conventions, and a clear circumvention of parliamentary norms”, it said in a statement today.

“Bahrain has an advanced legislation system that guarantees the rights of people of Bahrain and determines their duties based on the Constitution and National Action Charter,” said Shura Council.

The Council said it has amended the Penalty Law and introduced Alternative Penalties Law, which protects the cohesion of society, and enables the inmates to reengage into the community.