*** ----> Virtual council launched to raise awareness on cybersecurity for individuals and institutions in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Virtual council launched to raise awareness on cybersecurity for individuals and institutions in Bahrain

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The “NGN” global integrated information systems company has launched the “NGN Council” as a platform to spread and enhance awareness on cybersecurity for individuals and institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

This virtual council includes seminars and online workshops in which a group of experts and specialists speak about the most important topics of cybersecurity and information technology.

The council works to educate stakeholders in the public and private sectors and individuals about the potential cyber threats that they may face via the Internet, in addition to the importance of understanding their individual roles and responsibilities to create safe cyberspace.

This council supports the Kingdom’s drive towards digital transformation, economic diversification, increased investment in the field of information and communication technology infrastructure, and the adoption of modern technologies such as cloud computing and industrial intelligence, as an effective success for all of this cannot be guaranteed without strong cybersecurity systems and public awareness about them.

It also works to enhance the awareness of young people to move towards studying areas of cybersecurity. Bahrain, thanks to the presence of more than 900 annual graduates in ICT courses, a competitive workforce, and universities or technical institutes that offer IT courses and telecommunications, can close the competency gap that currently exists in the cybersecurity market in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Yaqoub Al Awadi, “NGN” Chief Executive and IT expert, explained that the launch of the board of “NGN” comes within the framework of the company’s social responsibility, with the aim of enhancing the awareness and understanding of companies and individuals on cyber threats by enabling them to adopt safer practices online.

He pointed out that during the first two decades of the 21st century, there was a significant increase in the number of cyberattacks against individuals, companies, organisations and governments with the purpose of causing chaos, espionage and destruction.

By 2021, this global crime affects most online users.

Al Awadi said that the whole world is facing a “pandemic of cyber attacks”, as cybersecurity crimes have become a real threat to individuals, societies and countries. Internet pirates, both individually and collectively, have begun to increase their targeting of key infrastructure as a means of fomenting citizens’ panic and extorting companies or authorities in exchange for obtaining money through means such as ransomware, cyber fraud and piracy.

“Given that Bahrain and the Arab Gulf states are home to the regional headquarters of many international companies and institutions, they represent a target for cybercrime activities,” he added.

According to the data security company “Pharos”, 88% of global companies have experienced success or attempted attacks, and on average only 5% of them are properly protected.