*** ----> Watch “Dreams of a Traveller – A Tale from Muharraq” | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Watch “Dreams of a Traveller – A Tale from Muharraq”

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities will broadcast today the show “Dreams of a Traveller – A Tale from Muharraq” on its (CultureBah) YouTube channel at 8:00 pm, marking International Theatre Day.

World Theatre Day was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute. It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. The Bahrain National Theater hosted the show, marking the closing ceremony of Muharraq – Capital of Islamic Culture 2018, after more than a year in the making.

The show reflects the unique Bahraini culture and heritage through the perspective of world-renowned award-winning creators. The musical performance follows protagonist Aziz, who is on his journey to explore himself.

He falls into a dreamlike state where the ultimate goal of his existence is revealed, as represented by the Tree of Life, an icon of knowledge past and the connection with the infinite.

The show follows a dance opera style, and despite that, the Bahraini heritage remains the heart and soul of this musical composition.