*** Join together to avert terror acts: Minister | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Join together to avert terror acts: Minister

Intensive cooperation with relevant parties to avert any terror-related incidents, were urged by Information and Parliament Affairs Minister Isa Abdulrahman Al Hammadi

Lauding the Interior Ministry's efforts to boost security, he stressed that the Interior Ministry had prerogatives to take all needed regulations to maintain security when holding functions, particularly religious ones.

Speaking to reporters after the cabinet session, Al Hammadi pointed out that security measures would be beefed up in coordination with the governorates, the Police Directorates and the officials in charge of houses of worship to ensure success of the religious functions held these days.

"We look forward during this period to more cooperation between concerned bodies to further bolster security," he said, calling on all to cooperate with the relevant authorities to ensure swift and effective intervention in handling any incident.

Concerning recently-circulated news on new administrative procedures taken by the Health Ministry, the Minister explained that the measures were purely administrative and would not affect the quality of services provided as they are not part of the policy of cutting down expenditure.

He added: “According to the Health Minister, the measure is purely executive and aims to streamline procedural operations in terms of monitoring the number of doctors available during the shifts.”

Concerning the scheme of redirecting subsidy and the availability of meat at the central and local markets, the Minister said that the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry was closely following up the issue through a specialised executive body.