*** GCC set to embrace digital transformation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GCC set to embrace digital transformation

GCC companies and governments are all prepared for future technology trends in digital space, reveals a report by a global consulting firm.

“The Accenture global technology outlook”, prepared by Accenture,  identified five trends that will determine the future digital ecosystems: The personalisation of internet, shift in focus to selling results, next generation products and services geared for emerging platforms, intelligent software embedded across the enterprise and intelligent machines, and devices working alongside employees.

The report, prepared after interviewing more than 200 senior decision makers in the GCC and more from across the globe, says that leading businesses and governments in the Middle East have new strategies and projects in place to capitalise on digital transformation opportunities.

“Now that digital has become part of the fabric of many organisations’ operating DNA, they are stretching their boundaries to leverage a broader digital ecosystem as they shape the next generation of their products, services and business models to effect change. Leading organisations in the Middle East are already planning and executing on their digital transformation goals,” commented Paul Daugherty, Accenture’s Chief Technology Officer in the report.

The vast majority of Middle East respondents- higher than in any other country surveyed – believe that industry boundaries will dramatically blur as technology platforms reshape industries into more interconnected ecosystems.

“Middle East respondents were more likely than their global counterparts to say they plan to engage with business partners from outside their own industry on digital initiatives like joint online or mobile solutions,” the report stated.

Omar Boulos, Regional Managing Director of Accenture in the Middle East and North Africa, remarked: “The pace of innovation and technology adoption that transforms companies and governments across the Middle East is only going to increase.”

“Pioneering organisations will focus on creating and becoming part of the broader digital ecosystems that now extend to customers, business partners, employees and other industries,” he added.