*** Over 600 register for camping | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Over 600 register for camping

More than 600 people registered for camping in one week, officials announced yesterday. Campers Services Centre Head Mohammed Al Sisi confirmed that 621 camps were registered during the previous week.

Al Sisi said in a press statement that “the Supreme Camping Committee is looking forward to a violation-free camping season this year,” affirming that violators will be held accountable before the law.

“Violations include installment of loud audio speakers, hunting birds and animals and harming the environment,” he explained.

Al Sisi called upon the public who intend to register for camping to visit the Southern Governorate building in Awali from 8 am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 7pm.

The committee had earlier announced that new camping areas have been introduced this year, while other areas were closed.

The new division of camping areas came in line with the oil digging processes that are taking place in Al Sakhir desert area.

The season will officially begin on Thursday and will continue until March 6, 2016.

As reported earlier, the committee Head and Governor of Southern Governorate Shaikh Abdulla bin Rashid announced that BD50 refundable insurance fee is mandatory for camps registration.

 “This is the third year since we implemented the insurance system. Since then, it was noticed that campers are more concerned about abiding by the regulations, preserving the environment and maintaining cleanliness of the surrounding areas,”  Shaikh Abdulla added.