*** Bahrain rejects Al Jazeera Channel’s baseless allegations over inmates’ conditions | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain rejects Al Jazeera Channel’s baseless allegations over inmates’ conditions

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain has strongly condemned the continuous attempts by the Qatar-based Al Jazeera Channel to broadcast and disseminate lies on the conditions of inmates at the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre.

In a statement, the Interior Ministry affirms that what was aired by Al Jazeera was based on completely false information with the intention of offending the gains achieved by the Kingdom in upholding human rights for all, including inmates.

The network’s allegations only aim to politicise the situation, exploit the feelings of the inmates’ families, and generate sympathy through deception, it added.

The Ministry stressed that the rehabilitation institutions in the Kingdom are open and follow a reform approach under the era of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

They, in fact, strictly follow a framework for law enforcement and transparent administration of justice. The Kingdom also has developed systems in the field of reform and rehabilitation, in addition to expanding the implementation of the alternative penalties law and studying the application of the experience of open prisons.

The Ministry deplored Al Jazeera’s propensity for obtaining its information from unofficial sources, and people convicted of terrorism. It called on the Qatari channel to practise professionalism in broadcasting, pointing out that neglecting official responses and explanations clearly means a loss of credibility and professionalism.

Shura Council’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee, headed by Youssef bin Ahmed Al Ghatam, also expressed its strong condemnation of Al Jazeera’s constant attempts to insult and distort the image of Bahrain.

It lacks accuracy and objectivity, the committee noted, that undermines the gains the Kingdom has reaped in the field of human rights and respect for freedoms.

In a statement, the committee indicated that Al Jazeera deliberately twists the facts, and seeks to split national unity, which is a violation of media honour codes and its basic values and principles.

It affirmed that the Kingdom is making continuous efforts to strengthen the human rights system, especially with regard to inmates at the Correction and Rehabilitation Center where the law is enforced according to “fair and transparent reform systems” and based on high standards that guarantee all rights for them.

The Bahraini Journalists Association (BJA) slammed Al Jazeera’s malicious campaign towards tainting the Kingdom’s image and attempts to harm the Bahraini society, as well as destabilise security and stability.

BJA described Al Jazeera as a “political tool” that Qatar exploits in its hatred campaign against Bahrain because of its progress and development. “Broadcasting erroneous information is clearly Qatar’s expression of its constant feeling of inferiority towards the global achievements of our dear country,” said BJA president Ahdeya Ahmed Al Sayed.