*** 17 initiatives launched to develop education’s institutional structure | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

17 initiatives launched to develop education’s institutional structure

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Seventeen basic initiatives have been launched by the Supreme Council for the Development of Education and Training to develop the Education Ministry’s institutional structure.

The scheme has achieved vital goals for the kingdom, including the re-organisation of all levels of early education, under the oversight of the Ministry of Education, development of curricula, and consolidation of Bahraini values and history in them.

The final report of the consultative firm in charge of developing the institutional structure of the Education Ministry was among the topics discussed yesterday during the Council’s 42nd meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Council President, His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa.

The meeting reviewed and discussed a number of reports with priority on its agenda. The regional director of the consultative firm gave a detailed presentation about the project, and its achievements over the past two years thanks to the cooperation and dedication of the Education Ministry of Education’s Steering Committee, partners and all task forces.

The project also defined the standards of numerical strategy and literacy skills in a professional manner, which would enhance educational practices in the classroom.

It paved the way for the development of a clear road plan for the requirements of school infrastructure for the next ten years, including details of school construction specifications, financing options, the division of their facilities and components, among other key initiatives.

He thanked the Council for their unwavering support for the project, noting that the Steering Committee at the Ministry of Education will be in charge of the remaining phase of the project.

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed thanks and appreciation to the consultative firm for its outstanding efforts in restructuring educational institutions, paying tribute to the Steering Committee and the task forces emanating from it.