*** ----> Bahrain police arrest three men for street fight over social media, one injured | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain police arrest three men for street fight over social media, one injured

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Police are investigating reports of a street brawl in Hamad town over social media posts. Authorities have kept three men in detention after the violence, which left a fourth person with serious injuries.

The Head of the Family and Child Prosecution said that the Public Prosecution began an investigation upon receiving a notification from the Security Department on the fight. One of the suspects was beaten up brutally by three others following an altercation over a dispute arising from the use of social media.

Police said that following heated arguments, one of the suspects drew a knife and stabbed the victim on his face and his hand. The other two suspects, meanwhile, started throwing punches at the victim, injuring him brutally. Investigators took statements from the victim and witnesses of the incident.

Police said that the suspects during interrogation confessed to their crimes when confronted with evidence. The investigation is ongoing.

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