*** ----> HM King appoints Shaikh Nasser chairman of Nogaholding | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King appoints Shaikh Nasser chairman of Nogaholding

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa yesterday named His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa as Oil and Gas Holding Company (Nogaholding) chairman.

HH Shaikh Nasser is the National Security Advisor and Secretary-General of the Supreme Defence Council. The appointment is effective upon its publication in the official gazette. Following the announcement, His Highness Shaikh Nasser extended his deepest thanks and appreciation to His Majesty.

HH Shaikh Nasser said the royal trust bestowed upon him would motivate him to spare no effort to implement the vision of HM the King on increasing investments in oil and gas. “I will strive to further develop the sector with a modern and scientific approach that copes with the global developments in this field.”

Shaikh Nasser recalled the many pioneering projects implemented to develop investments and infrastructure in the sector to boost its role in serving the national economy and stressed his keenness to maintain and optimise them. HH Shaikh Nasser pledged to develop the sector in line with the Economic Vision for Bahrain 2030.

Natural Resources and Economic Security

Separately, HM the King announced amending some provisions establishing the Higher Committee for Natural Resources and Economic Security.

The text “The Higher Committee for Energy and Natural Resources” will be replaced as “Higher Committee for Natural Resources and Economic Security” in the title of Decree 1/2011. HM King also announced amending the text of Article (1) of Decree 1/2011 establishing the Higher Committee for Natural Resources and Economic Security.

The new text reads, “A committee called “The High Committee for Energy and Natural Resources” shall be established, under the chairmanship of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister. It shall be affiliated to the Supreme Defence Council and referred to by the word ‘the committee’ throughout this decree.”

His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa as Deputy Chairman and Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, will be members of the committee.

Other members are Minister of Interior, Minister of Follow-up at the Royal Court, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Oil, Minister of Finance and National Economy, Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs and Chief Executive Officer of the Economic Development Board.

His Majesty also announced amending Article (2) of Decree 77/2007 establishing the Oil and Gas Holding Company and authorised the amendment of the company’s Article of Association and bylaw. The decree said: “The Oil and Gas Holding Company, its subsidiaries and companies operating in the oil and gas industries are subject to the supervision of the Higher Committee for Energy and Natural Resources.”

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