Fortune beckons

The constraints of the current economic situation will not impede the government’s resolve and efforts to strengthen the kingdom’s economic growth and development, said Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

“Our aspiration, on which the government’s development strategy is based, is that villages and towns across the nation witness a project boom so as to be perfect places with sufficient services and facilities that meet the needs of the citizens,” he said during a meeting with a number of Royal Family members and senior state officials, in the presence of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain and the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in the Kingdom Shaikh Azzam bin Mubarak Al Sabah here yesterday.

HRH Premier commented that the Bahraini people had, throughout history, given lessons on ways to turn challenges into excellence and leadership-stimulating elements in various fields. He also recalled with appreciation the success stories of the ancestors and forefathers and their remarkable contributions to the national action march.

“The Bahraini people has inspired all the kingdom’s previous and forthcoming achievements,” HRH Premier said, stressing that Bahrainis had made ample contributions to every development success that consolidated the kingdom’s reputation at the regional and international levels.

“Our ambitions for the nation and the citizens have no limits. We were capable of achieving landmark progress in the past despite scarcity of resources, and we are determined to optimise accomplishments further. There are more success elements today, and we have to seize opportunities, and harness all potentials in order to overcome all challenges, no matter how serious they may be,” he elaborated.

“The development march will continue unabated in various fields so as to fulfil the citizens’ aspirations for more progress and prosperity,” HRH Premier added.