*** Comprehensive assessments of students near 100% | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Comprehensive assessments of students near 100%

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

More than 99% of the government schools had completed the comprehensive assessments of their students in all subjects, Education Ministry said, as the academic year 2020-’21 comes to a close.

As of now, the ministry’s online portal received 681,563 reports, which indicates an achievement rate of 99.44%.

The ministry had also equipped schools with computer labs for students unable to access their assignments from home.

Comprehensive assessments, the ministry said, helps teachers to assess the performance of their students or their overall understanding of the curriculum amid the current circumstances.

“The process ensures the sustainability of the teaching and learning process without compromising quality,” the ministry added.


Vital assessment tool

A teacher of Jaber Bin Hayyan Primary School for Boys, Ali Habib, termed the comprehensive assessments as “vital tools” that allows teachers to assess the students’ overall understanding of the curriculum. “We made regular communications with parents to ensure the completion of assessments on time,” he added.

Ebrahim Bardooli, a teacher of Religious Primary Institute, expressed happiness in achieving a 100% completion rate.

“We are proud to achieve 100% assessments submission rate in our institute, thanks to the efforts of schools administration and the internal support team.”


Mother of Fatima Aqeel Nassif, a student of Diraz Primary School for Girls, rated the “whole process as well organised. “We received daily updates, reminding us about the assessments and due dates.”

“The school also helped to solve technical problems and received students in the school, if the technical or internet issued persisted,” she added.

The mother of Nour Abdel Amir Barakat of Diraz Primary School for girls also expressed satisfaction. “The school reminded us a day before performing each assessment, by sending us a motivational card with the date of each assessment”.

Comprehensive assessments, the ministry said, helped students test their skills in line with the established health measures via virtual classes, televised lessons, and lessons on YouTube channel.

In total, contents uploaded to the educational portals for February and April 2021 totalled 165,015. These included 59,821 lessons, 54,459 activities, 36,589 enrichment sessions, 2,547 seminars and 2,666 short exams.