*** Iranian cattle: MPs demand probe panel | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Iranian cattle: MPs demand probe panel

Parliamentarians are intending to form an investigative panel to look into the recent reports of diseased Iranian cattle that have entered Bahrain.

This was stated by newly-formed “National Consensus” parliamentary bloc, who affirmed that “the persons behind the seizure of a disused livestock shipment that came to Bahrain from Iran through Omani Khasab port will be interrogated by the committee.”

Bloc member MP Mohammed Al Maarifi commended the authority’s decision to seize the shipment and not distributing it in local markets. At the same time, Al Maarifi questioned the reasons behind importing livestock through Khasab Port, which “has no proper quarantine facilities and examines animals ostensibly.”

He pointed out that “there are no quarantines in the entry points of Bahrain, and imported livestock is quarantined inside the country, between farms and residential areas.”

Al Maarifi demanded the concerned authority (Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Ministry) to send a veterinary delegation Khasab to stand on the examination processes there, similar to the procedure that is currently followed with the Australian exporters.

“Agriculture Affairs and Marine Resources at the ministry should assure the public,” Al Maarifi stressed.

The lawmaker said that “most GCC countries discontinued importing livestock from Iran, as majority of their stocks are diseased. Bahrain is accepting cattle shipments that shipped through Iran and this is a dangerous matter. The committee will not stop investigating this topic until some clear answers are given.”

Al Maarifi added: “The case is not at all related to politics and the fragile Bahraini-Iranian relations. But it concerns the health matter  and the country’s animal wealth. All should comply by the laws and regulations, be it importers, exporters, traders or farmers. We must protect the country from any diseases. Parliament will not spare any efforts in protecting the public’s health and food safety.”

As reported earlier, sources stated that 5,000 heads of diseased imported cattle from Iran was detected recently. They claimed that the shipment is seized after it was diagnosed with Feet and Mouth Disease (FMD), which is contagious and transmits through the air.

Agriculture Affairs and Marine Resources of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Ministry denied the news and reaffirmed their concern about public health.