*** Bahrain Government Hospitals launch nine hotline numbers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Government Hospitals launch nine hotline numbers

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Government Hospitals Administration has launched nine hotlines available round the clock for receiving enquiries about patients. Families are free to call any of the hotline numbers for enquiries regarding their relatives admitted to corona wards at Salmaniya Medical Complex, Comprehensive Health Care Center, Jidhafs Maternity Hospital, and Bahrain International Hospital.


For inquiries, call Salmaniya Medical Complex, Fourth Floor 32227300, SMC, Sixth Floor 32227422, SMC, My Health 32227447, Comprehensive Health Care Center 32227478, SMC Fifth Floor 32227557, SMC Building 32227299, SMC Helipad 32227299, Bahrain International Hospital 32227255, Jidhafs Maternity Hospital, 32227266.