*** ----> Financial aid package similar to last year's second financial support package: Bahrain MP Hashism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Financial aid package similar to last year's second financial support package: Bahrain MP Hashism

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

MP Sayed Falah Hashim confirmed that the Monday-announced financial aid package for the private sector is similar to the second economic-stimulus package the Government provided to the Bahrain-based companies last year following the Coronavius "Covid-19" outbreak, stating MPs have discussed with the Cabinet providing a special mental and financial support to those who lost their parents. Mr Hashim also revealed to DT that the Government's representatives during Monday's meeting listened to several suggestions shared with them by the House of Representatives members who were present during the meeting. 

"The Government, under the leadership of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince Prime Minister, discussed with us several items listed on the meeting agenda, including giving much-needed financial and psychological aids. We have many children who are facing an unknown future because some of them lost their fathers. In some cases. we have families, whose mothers and fathers demised because of Covid-19. This is a serious situation that everyone has to consider seriously."

When asked are they expecting a decision on this point any time soon, he explained: "We are expecting our suggestions to be discussed next week during the next Cabinet's meeting," 

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