*** Bahrain friendly to Expat, says study | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain friendly to Expat, says study

Expats are happy to live in Bahrain, according to a recent study. The Kingdom was ranked 17 in the ‘The Top Expat Destination 2015’ report by Expat Insider.

This is noteworthy as a few other countries such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were placed at the bottom of the table by the survey.

Saudi was ranked 61 and Kuwait came last at 64. However, UAE closely followed Bahrain at rank 19.

Ecuador was ranked as the top expat destination, followed by Mexico, Malta and Singapore.

The parameters considered for the study were quality of life, including leisure options, ease of settling in, personal finance, and family life.

Bahrain achieved rank seven in the ‘ease of settling in’ parameter. It also figures among the Top 10 global work destination by managers, the report says.

Quality of education in considered ‘very good’ by the expats in Bahrain, says the study.

But, the survey points out that ‘local state schools’ are not favoured for children’s education by expats here unlike many other high ranking expat destinations.

Bahrain’s women-friendliness was also brought to the fore in this report with a rank of 18 among the top destinations for expat women.


Compiled by 

Tahir Haneef/DTNN
