*** 36 Bahrain restaurants booked for Covid-19 violations | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

36 Bahrain restaurants booked for Covid-19 violations

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Health Ministry officials took actions against 36 of the 164 restaurants and cafes they inspected for COVID-19 violations yesterday. The ministry has initiated legal actions against the violating restaurants. The inspections were held jointly by the Department of Public Health and Food control department.

Store owners, who received warnings for minor offences, took corrective measures in the presence of judicial officers. The ministry called on citizens and residents to continue adhering strictly to the COVID-19 measures active since last month and now extended for another week, starting today.


Extends work-from-home

Accordingly, Civil Service Authority yesterday issued directives extending the work from-home policy until 2 July 2021. Government customer service centres and officers, during this period, would only allow access to people who had completed 14 days after the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination. To gain entry, people should show the green logo on the BeAware Bahrain application.

Bahrain is also extending by three months a government support programme for businesses hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Cinemas and entertainment venues, gyms, coffee shops, hair salons and kindergarten are among businesses benefiting from this programme.


Barbershop closed

The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism announced closing a men’s barbershop in a hotel in the Capital government for COVID-19 violations. Police caught several customers inside the shop waiting for services flouting COVID-19 measures.


Ensure Covid-19 protocols

Separately, Dr Lulwa Showaiter, Head of Medical Services for Primary Health Care Centers, stressed the importance of adhering to the preventive measures to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

The closure decision, she said, is helping the Kingdom lower the number of existing cases. “Flattening the curve requires the commitment of all citizens and residents.”