*** Cop attacker trial on November 15 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Cop attacker trial on November 15

A woman appellant convicted of attacking a police officer during a prisoner visit will know her fate on November 15. The accused was earlier sentenced to one month behind bars earlier after the High Criminal Court found her guilty of assaulting an on-duty officer.

She, however, was freed on bail, pending the High Criminal Appeals Court's decision on her appeal. The woman was said to have attacked the victim during a visit to her nephew, who was imprisoned in the Dry Dock Detention Center.

She threw a file on the officer's face when he tried to deny him seeing the inmate as he didn't have a permission to meet his family on that day.

The appellant, however, had earlier denied the attack accusations, claiming that she was arrested after they were disposed from the centre. The event occurred on January 6 two years ago, according to court files. 


Compiled by DT News Network